In response to photography prompt by alto



Day Thirty of A Photo A Day

Photo by Dennett with a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 & Note 8

I am a day late with my final A Photo a Day post. Tied up with grandchildren, Christmas shopping before they go north for the holiday, the last couple of days with our visitor from China, and a hectic Friday at work, I did not have a free moment to do my final post yesterday.

It was difficult to decide what to post. I thought about how much I enjoyed alto’s photo challenge, mostly because it presented the opportunity to become better acquainted with all of you. There was something so intimate and friendly about sharing our photos that I truly believe this challenge brought us closer together as a community. I feel like I know all of you so much better than before.

Thinking about our newly forged connections led me to thinking about the year I’ve been on Medium and about my life during that year. Two of the milestones were discovering Medium and buying and moving to our new home. Based on that, I decided this final post would be my favorite photos of my new home and, not surprisingly, those have to do with the wildlife and the lake.

This year I found my dream home and was, surprisingly, able to obtain it. My home is modest, not fancy by any stretch of the imagination, but it is comfortable, attractive, and the perfect size for us. More importantly, this home allows me to live on a lovely lake in a community of wildlife that never ceases to amaze and delight me. In spite of all the upheaval this past year, personal and political, I ended up in a place that truly feels like home. I am grateful every day.

Tango, our cat, meets a Black Bellied Whistling Duck
A rainy evening on the lake and “the breakfast club” at the lake across the boulevard
Early evening and almost night
A nesting pair of white ducks — the only ones in our neighborhood — and the great white egret that hangs out across the boulevard
Evening as seen from our patio and a neighborhood duck
The Whistling Ducks in our backyard
Today’s photos: Ducks on our lake and a great white egret standing regally on the top of a pine tree down the street

alto, I want to express a personal thank-you for this challenge. It has been a joyous adventure that I will always treasure.



I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.