I miss you…

Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2016


I miss your scent.
Filling my lungs with earth and sky.

I miss your heat
Filling my body with safety
And comfort

I miss your sweetness
Like honey to a bee
Food for the journey
Satiation for that long haul I know is for me

I miss your arms around
my body
Providing comfort and warmth
Fill me to my core
I can want for nothing while you hold me

I miss your lips on mine
Igniting a fire never to be extinguished

I miss your taste in my mouth.
The sweetness…
Oh such sweetness…
Like roasted honey…
or candied molasses…

I miss your soul touching mine
The connection

I miss the feel of you
Your hard to my soft
And Belly to Belly, we find all that is sought

I miss the comfort of your touch…
Sandpaper to velvet
Ignition sparking when both of us felt

That fire light
The premonition of desired flight
Ignore her spite

I am here

I am here

I am not

The one that you wish to forget
The one that turned your life into a nightmare
and filled you with regrets

For me, you’re just
Another Prince Charming
Another lie unassuming and

You are treating me
Like a card in your pocket

Not a locket,
Not a treasure.

Just a card in your pocket.
A surety should you need it
No purity so dammit.

The wanting, the needing,
Just not culturally

I want you.

God how I want you.

But you are not meant for me…

Are you..?



Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋