The Four Seasons of Legend — 2016 and Why I think it was a Good Year

Gloria DiFulvio
Published in
5 min readDec 30, 2016


photo by Phyllis Clapis

Hi, I’m Legend. My Moms are ready for 2016 to be over. They said it was a terrible year — lots of good celebrities died and, well, I won’t even mention the election.

I wanted to remind them that it wasn’t all bad. In fact, together, we had a pretty great year. I’m about to turn six soon — another trip around the sun for me. Each year, I get to experience new adventures filled with life lessons. Here are some things I learned in 2016.


When it snows, make the best of it!
My moms don’t like the cold very much. But I make them take me out anyway. Then, once we’re outside, they remember that its actually quite magical. I sit in front of pretty things so I can remind them that they really do like winter!

Photo by Gloria DiFulvio

Something else we do in winter? Catch snowflakes on our tongues. They don’t fill me up, but it keeps me busy.

Don’t let a little snow slow you down!
In fact, don’t let anything slow you down. Run towards your fears, not away from them. You never know when there is a treat at the other end.

Photo by Sally Linowski

In the winter, I can be camouflaged. Let’s play a game…Where’s Legend? Can you find me in the snow?

Photos by Gloria DiFulvio


I love the spring! Even though the snow melts and goes away, I know it will be back (just like Frosty the Snowman!). But the spring is great because the days get longer and so do my walks! We go for walks on the beach, in the woods, and we get to play with my favorite toy: Ball!

Photo by Gloria DiFulvio

In addition to playing ball, spring is a time…

To surround myself in wishes…

Make time to smell the flowers…
Spring means new life pops up around me! I always try to slow down a little and take in the beauty. By the way, don’t I look good in pink?

Photo by Gloria DiFulvio


Summer! Summer is my favorite season! We get to be outside all of the time! We go for long walks, we play more ball, my moms walk barefoot on the beach! It is my favorite, favorite, favorite time of year! Summer gives me confidence to try new adventures. Here is what I can do in the summer (and why I love it):

I can play in the fields!

Photo by Gloria DiFulvio

I can ride on a boat!

Photo by Gloria DiFulvio

I can climb on rocks!

Photo by Gloria DiFulvio

And blocks….

Photo by Gloria DiFulvio

I can paddle board!

Photo by Gloria DiFulvio

I can run fast!

Photo by Linda Hannum

I run so fast, my mom had to take this video in slow motion!

Video taken by Sally Linowski

Also, my moms are happier because they can do these things with me!

Photo by Sally Linowski
Taking a break from our mountain bike ride. Photo by Gloria DiFulvio


The fall is pretty awesome too! The leaves turn colors and we still get to hike. The days get shorter and my moms spend more time at work, but we still seem to make time for fun.

Can you see me hiding among the pumpkins?

Photo by Gloria DiFulvio

We take sunset hikes.

Roll on some hay!

Photo by Gloria DiFulvio

I help with the harvest (well, we don’t really harvest anything, but I like to pretend).

And we take some nice trips. This year we went to Provincetown — one of our favorite places.

Fall teaches me that everything changes. Leaves turn bright colors, days get shorter, and the air gets cooler. Change is good and inevitable. I’m adaptable! As much as I want to hang on to summer, I remember that it will come back.

And that makes me smile.

And I remember, winter is really not so bad! One of my moms has her birthday in winter, and I celebrate my birthday too! Winter is also when we celebrate my favorite holiday — Christmas.

With my friend Sophie. Photo by Gloria DiFulvio

No matter what holiday you celebrate, I hope it was peaceful!
Wishing everyone here a happy 2017!!

Photo by Nancy Gifford

For more inspiration from Legend, see How I Found My Happy Place.

You can find more writing from Gloria DiFulvio here.

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Writer. Feminist. Public Health Advocate. Academic. Storyteller. @gdifulvio